Welcome to the RHS of Perthshire
We are an enthusiastic Group of friendly amateurs who enjoy gardening!
We love it all – cut flowers, potted plants, vegetables, fruit, floral art and importantly the general care of the environment!
The Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire founded in 1806 is the second oldest horticultural Society in Scotland! Times, however, have changed immeasurably for the Society. Currently we are moving ahead to preserve our precious history including some of the early dated trophies and medals.
Most importantly, however, it is time to look at new directions, new ways of working and new partnerships.
Let’s grow together!
You too can grow new shoots, learn plant skills or pass on some of your expertise to those just starting out.
If you are a novice grower, come and put your foot on the first rung of the ladder for an exciting growing experience today.
Go on try something new and sow the seed for a bright and colourful future.
Latest News
Next meeting
Thursday 16th March at 7.30 p.m. Perth Bowling Club, North Inch Speakers - Beautiful Perth Topic Heather Garden at Bellwood Park including the collection of Erica Carnea recently awarded National Collection Status.
Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire
Annual General Meeting Thursday 8th December 2022 7.30pm Perth Bowling Club, North Inch ALL VISITORS and Past, Present and Future members are most welcome. Plenty of parking.
Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire
Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire Our next talk by Dr Nicola Small is on Thursday 17th November 2022 7.30 p.m. at Perth Bowling Club, North Inch and is entitled – ‘ STORIES, SOURCES and a SENSE of PLACE’ A freelance researcher, historian...
Years of experience in the fascinating world of horticulture
We have years of experience in the fascinating world of horticulture and we want to share what we’ve learned with you!
Come along for one of our many workshops and meetings that include things like:
- Professional talks
- Container workshops
- Plant sales
- Garden visits
- Members garden visits
- Question times