There was plenty to celebrate about our Spring Show on Saturday.

We were delighted that there were some new faces to try their hand at exhibiting. R Canning was awarded the Scamp voucher for his superb IMG_7724presentation of his cut flower entries.  S Eisner is a name to watch in the future with her wide range of heritage  daffodils being shown for the first time. We also all enjoyed the Soreide family inter generational rivalry in the members bulb competition.


B McLeod and D & H Elder  are regulars bringing unusual and quality exhibits. The little “Segovia” daffodil was such a charming and perfect bloom but it was the “Arkle” daffodil that stole the show for B McLeod earning him the Meredith Campbell Vase.

Once again C Cunningham visited the show to see the entries for class 8 which is for “Ice Follies” daffodils in memory of her late husband. She even managed some entries herself. One of the large trugs filled with these bulbs even won S Duncan the best exhibit in the show. Superb!

The Perthshire Citizens classes are ever growing in popularity as was the massive IMG_7734entry for the photography section which meant an additional display board was hastily set up. There were lots of fun entries to chuckle at.

S Ludlam designeIMG_7720d some creative entries in the floral art classes which won him the trophy for the most points in the section. Well done Steve.

All the junior sections displayed vast imagination in their interpretations of the classes. The Flower Power group wowed every one with their topiary trees whilst the perfection of the seniors in the guiding section left visitors open mouthed.

Thanks to all who helped in any way to make the show a success. There are too many to mention but their efforts are recognised for without them there wouldn’t have been a Spring Show 2016.

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